ActionAid International Kenya is an organisation that works with women and girls living in poverty.


About Us

ActionAid International Kenya is working to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication.

ActionAid International Kenya is un-apologetic in advancing women’s rights and ensuring that women living in poverty and exclusion are at the center of our work in Kenya.

We commit to working with Women, Children and Youth to claim and realize their constitutional rights through working within three main pillars; empowerment, solidarity and campaigning.


Strategic Objective 1

Women and girls living in poverty and exclusion and their communities attain economic security, leadership, and free from all forms of violence.

Strategic Objective 2

Young People and communities living in poverty and exclusion realize their economic rights and access to GRPS through democratic just governance.

Strategic Objective 3

Women Living in Poverty and Exclusion(WLIPE) and their Communities have secure land tenure, sustainable and resilient livelihoods in fragile context, in the face of humanitarian and climate crises

Strategic Objective 4

People-led movements, communities and their collectives defend, reclaim, and expand civic space in Kenya.


Change is possible, and it comes from the power in people
