All Smiles as Water Flows Again in Paranga Village

In the arid and semi-arid lands of Taita Taveta County, the community of Paranga Village has faced the harsh reality of prolonged drought for years. With nearly 6,000 households struggling to access clean water, the burden fell heavily on women and girls, who traversed long distances, risking their safety, and sacrificing their time for this necessity.

The heart of their hope lay dormant beneath the ground, the Paranga Community Borehole, a lifeline constructed in 2009 but abandoned in 2012 due to a collapsed pump. For over a decade, it remained a symbol of unfulfilled promise.

Equipment utilized for the rehabilitation of the Paranga Community Borehole.

However, a glimmer of hope emerged when ActionAid Kenya, in partnership with Electric Aid and generous donors from Ireland, decided to breathe new life into this vital resource. With their support, the borehole underwent extensive rehabilitation, marking a turning point for Paranga Village.

Today, the smiles are abundant as water once again flows freely in Paranga. No longer will residents dread the arduous journey in search of water; instead, they will enjoy the convenience and security of access to clean and safe water within their community.

Reflecting on this transformation, one resident shared,

“Accessing clean water has been a challenge in our community since the borehole broke down. We would walk more than ten kilometers in search of water. Now that the rehabilitation is complete, we can access water anytime without worry. It’s a new dawn for Paranga Village.”

But the impact extends beyond mere convenience. With water readily available, schools and institutions nearby will be equipped with piping systems, ensuring that education and other essential services are not disrupted by the scarcity of water. Furthermore, the introduction of small-scale irrigation for vegetable farming will offer a sustainable means of livelihood, empowering the community to thrive even in the face of adversity.

Indeed, the rehabilitation of the Paranga Community Borehole transcends mere infrastructure repair; it symbolizes resilience, solidarity, and the unwavering belief in the power of collective action to overcome adversity.

H.E. Governor Andrew Mwadime of Taita Taveta County engages in dialogue with Pauline Actieno, ActionAid Kenya,Local Rights Programme Coordinator for Taita Taveta County

The county administration, led by H.E Governor Andrew Mwadime, expressed gratitude during the rehabilitation of the borehole, appreciating the support from ActionAid Kenya in restoring the stalled borehole due to the sinking of the submersible water tank.

“Thank you, ActionAid Kenya, for partnering with us to quench the thirst of the Paranga people,” stated H.E. Governor Andrew Mwadime

As Paranga Village continues to progress, the restored flow of water stands as a testament to the resilience of its residents and the potential for positive change, even in the face of adversity.


Author:  Pauline Atieno, Local Rights Programme Coordinator – Taita Taveta. 

Edited by Ezra Kiriago ,Communications Coordinator ActionAid Kenya.

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