CSW68 Spotlight: Empowering Girls to End FGM/C Through Girl-Centered Strategies

The fight against Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (FGM/C) has long been a battle waged on multiple fronts, but perhaps nowhere is the struggle more palpable than at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the global nexus for advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. Here, amidst the corridors of power and discourse, a pivotal event unfolded, signaling a paradigm shift in the approach to ending FGM/C.

Organized by ActionAid International Kenya (AAIK) as part of The Girl Generation Africa Led Movement to end FGM (TGG-ALM), the parallel event titled “Empowering Voices: Girl-led approaches to end FGM/C” captivated audiences and ignited a conversation that reverberated far beyond the confines of the conference room.

Susan Otieno, Executive Director ActionAid Kenya delivers her remarks during the parallel session at CSW68 in New York.

A Girl-Centered Approach: Putting Girls at the Heart of Change
At the heart of the event lay a revolutionary approach – the Girl-Centered Approach. By placing girls at the forefront of interventions, this strategy transcends mere eradication of the practice of FGM/C, delving deeper into the roots of gender inequality and social norms that perpetuate it. This approach, pioneered by TGG-ALM-FGM, empowers girls to not only reclaim their bodies but also their voices, aspirations, and agency in shaping a more just and equitable world.

From Advocacy to Action: Launching the Girl-Centered Framework
Central to the event was the launch of the TGG ALM-FGM/C Girl-Centered Framework – a comprehensive guide that equips practitioners and advocates with the tools and resources needed to implement girl-centered interventions effectively. From participatory methods to safe space checklists, these resources not only amplify girls’ voices but also ensure their priorities are at the forefront of program activities.

Championing Change: Strengthening ActionAid’s Position in Global Advocacy
The success of the event extends beyond its immediate impact, catalyzing broader systemic change. By positioning ActionAid Kenya as a key player in global advocacy spaces, the event not only strengthens partnerships within the consortium but also garnered recognition from influential organizations such as Girls Not Brides, UNFPAUNICEF, and Orchid Project. Moreover, it empowers
ActionAid Kenya to champion girl-centered approach and own the narrative in the fight against FGM/C.

Looking Ahead: A Brighter, More Inclusive Future
As we reflect on the resonance of “Empowering Voices,” one thing becomes abundantly clear – the future of the FGM/C movement lies in the hands of girls themselves. By centering their experiences, aspirations, and voices, we pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all. As we continue to amplify girl voices and champion girl-centered approaches, we move one step closer to realizing the vision of a world free from FGM/C, where every girl can thrive, unburdened by harmful practices, and empowered to fulfill her potential.

ActionAid Kenya’s parallel session at CSW68 in New York.

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