ActionAid International Kenya has rolled out the Safety with Dignity toolkit in Isiolo County. The toolkit is a practical guide to support young women-led community-based protection approaches in humanitarian and protracted crises.

“Through this safety and dignity training, I have been able to analyze and understand the risk that I face, and other young women face, which hinder them from realizing their rights,” stated Virginia Wanjiru

The trained young women will help roll out this information within their communities and act as agents of change.
“We have benefitted greatly from this training; we have been educated about our rights. We are now more confident and can stand for our rights and those of other young women. We also know where to get assistance in case of any violations. We will ensure that our communities’ benefit from this information.” Rahma Omar

During the training, the participants highlighted some of the risks experienced in protection within their communities. They ranged from violence, discrimination, culture, inequality, insecurity, low literacy levels, political intolerance, Female Genital Mutilation, child marriages, religious differences, and natural calamities like drought, famine and floods resulting from climate change. Discussions were held, and solutions were agreed upon on how to address such risks.

in Isiolo County
The training was supported by the SPA II project, a Danida funded project whose objective is to ensure that young people, especially women and marginalized people, enjoy fundamental rights through improved access to well-resourced programmes and public services, enhanced sustainable livelihoods, protection from and resilience to shocks, disasters, and protracted crisis in
6 counties namely Isiolo, Baringo, Garissa, Turkana Kilifi, and Nairobi Counties.
The safety and dignity tool kit will be rolled out in the other five counties where the programme is implemented.